
Swimming for a happier you!

So I swam yesterday to drown the pain I have felt the day before.

Men cannot be fully trusted with a woman's heart. Sweet words are just words if not coupled with actions. I should have known. I mean really, I'm already an expert at this and I grew up with my dad telling me that men cannot be trusted (speaking from his own experience, he used to have 3 girlfriends at one time).

So anyway, after finishing 30 laps, I saw Dave, the water aerobics instructor. He was there early (I usually swim before his class, sometimes even during his class if he only has 1-2 students). I went up to him and said hi.

We got into a small talk and then he told me that one of the onlookers (other swimmers, people at the Jacuzzi) told him that I swim beautifully (maganda daw ako lumangoy). I was surprised that anyone would even notice me when I'm swimming.

"Really?!!", I exclaimed. "Yes! And she's not the only person who told me that. There were several others who told me that your form and execution is good. And I told them that it is because you practiced a lot!", Dave said.

"I never knew! I just try and do whatever stuff that works for me. I don't even know if what I'm doing is correct. I just watch the different styles on youtube like total immersion and I just immitate it. I really have no formal training on swimming. This is really nice to know".

WOW :))

So that's the reason why I find other swimmers or those people in the jacuzzi looking at me whenever I'm swimming.

This really made my day. The crappy feeling I felt on Sunday was gone immediately :) Exercise (and praises) really keep sadness or depression away :)

Now, I'm ready for my next date! :D

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